Originally preached as a sermon at Choral Matins for
the Epiphany (transferred to Sunday 3rd January 2016)
‘The next day John [the Baptist] saw Jesus coming
toward him and declared, “Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the
world!”… “And I myself have seen and testified that this is the Son of God”’
(John 1.29, 34.)
+ In nomine Patris…
Is there
more to the Epiphany than the Magi?!
Well, given
the relative paucity of biblical material, aside from the reference in St
Matthew’s Gospel (Matthew 2.1-12), perhaps we can say that, without dismissing
them, there is more to epiphany than the Magi.
As one of
the readings for matins on the Feast of the Epiphany St John’s gospel (John 1.29-34)
never once mentions, or even alludes, to the Magi, or gold, frankincense and
myrrh, and yet the opening chapters are suffused with epiphany.
from the Greek, means ‘show out’. Epiphany is about showing out, which is an
awkward, but dynamic, phrase in English.
‘To show’
someone something is rather passive, but to ‘show out’ has a vibrant edge to
it. It is just like when we ‘point out’ something; it throws our attention
elsewhere: at Epiphany our attention is thrown to the presence of God.
It is this
that is going on with John the Baptist in the opening chapters of St John’s
gospel. John the Baptist ‘shows out’ and ‘points out’: as we read, ‘The next
day John [the Baptist] saw Jesus coming toward him and declared, “Here is the
Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”… “And I myself have seen and
testified that this is the Son of God”’ (John 1.29, 34.)
The feast
of the Epiphany of the Lord reminds us that Jesus Christ is, ‘the light to
lighten the Gentiles and to be the
glory of God’s people Israel’ (Luke 2.32); Jesus Christ ‘a light [that] shines
in the darkness, and the darkness [has] not overcome it’ (John 1.5).
‘showing out’ and ‘pointing out’ is a recurrent theme through Epiphanytide, as
will be revealed over the coming weeks: we will celebrate the Baptism of the
Lord, the ‘showing out’ of Jesus’ sonship and anointing by the Holy Spirit as
declared by the Father; and the ‘showing out’ of Jesus’ transforming divine-human
power in the Wedding Feast at Cana.
‘showing out’ is the visitation of the Magi.
The stories
and legends of the Magi are enchanting, and the gospel material compelling.
possibly they were Zoroastrians, or some such religion, that tracked the stars
and looked for signs within them. Wherever they came from, the Magi came from a
region outside that which is usually thought of as the ‘known world’ to the
Romans and they are certainly from outside Jesus’ own people of Israel.
They are
almost literally other worldly, and their mystique is shown by the legends that
have grown up around them.
But what
has that got to do with ‘showing out’ and ‘pointing out’?
In primary
schools in recent years there has been an exercise that takes place to
encourage children’s confidence. It is called ‘show and tell’. The child brings
something to school to show his or her classmates, and then to tell them about
Epiphany is
a divine ‘show and tell’. For the Magi, seekers after truth, wisdom and divinity,
the star ‘pointed out’ the way, and Blessed Mary ‘showed out’ her Son to them,
such that they fell down and worshipped and walked new paths afterwards.
I wonder
what they told as they returned home by another route. Were they like the
shepherds who simply could not restrain themselves on their way back to their
flocks (Luke 2.20)?
John the
Baptist is shower and teller, as John’s gospel tells us, ‘There was a man sent
from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify to the light, so
that all might believe through him. He himself was not the light, but he came
to testify to the light’ (John 1.6-9).
Epiphany promise is that as God ‘shows and tells’ of his incarnate presence in
the Eternal Word, Jesus Christ.
Epiphany challenge is to join John the Baptist in showing and telling: showing
Jesus in our faces and lives, and telling: ‘And I myself have seen and testified
that this is the Lamb of God’ (John 1.34).
© Andrew
Bishop, 2016
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